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Showing posts with label baby shower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby shower. Show all posts


Indiana Baby Shower

               Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I wanted to pop in and share my Indiana baby shower with you this week. We had such a great weekend and I am so thankful for our family and friends. My mom and Mam hosted the shower at my grandma's church back home and my cousin Tanisha and my aunt Trudi did the games for the shower which was a lot of fun. We had such a great time! The theme of the shower was maps and airplanes which ties into the theme of the nursery as well. I love the map and travel theme idea and wanted to incorporate airplanes as well. The shower was adorable and my mom did such a great job creating the props and details.

              We had soup and sandwiches as well as a ton of desserts and punch. My best friend Jordan was able to fly in for the weekend from California as well and we had the best weekend catching up, shopping, and enjoying time together. Reed's family was also able to make it from Memphis as well. We had a packed weekend of a lot of fun back home and I loved every bit of it. Thank you to my wonderful mom and mam for a perfect baby shower to celebrate baby Rush. We are so thankful for you and love you both very much :) Here are the many pictures and details of the baby shower and I hope you enjoy! Thank you for stopping by and reading xoxo Tesla


Memphis Baby Shower

            Hi Friends! Happy Thursday! We are one day away from the weekend and I know you are just as excited as I am! Last weekend, we went to Memphis for my first baby shower hosted by our good family friend Karen Fesmire & sister-in-law Lauren Draffin. They hosted the shower and it was beautiful. It was at Chickasaw Country Club in Memphis and it was absolutely perfect!  My mom was able to come from Indiana and I loved having her there with me. My dad also made the trip and hung out with the guys back at the Draffin household. I am always so thankful to have such great parents and in-laws that get to spend time together. 

          We had chicken & waffles, candied bacon (it was amazing), different kinds of quiche, yogurt parfait's, blue macaroons, & mimosa's. It was a wonderful time! I loved the blue details and the monogrammed napkins were the icing on the cake :) Thank you so much to Karen and Lauren for a beautiful baby shower and to Barbara and her wonderful friends and family for coming to share this special time with us. I hope you enjoy the pictures below! And stay tuned next week because this coming weekend is my baby shower in Indiana! I can't wait to share about that shower as well :) Thank you as always for stopping by! xoxo Tesla